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Sunroom Reveal!Sunroom Reveal!

The day has finally arrived... our sunroom is DONE!It's been five long weeks of work... let's do a quick recap.The befores:Before we bought the house:After we threw some furniture in:Phase 1: Building a cat outhouse:Phase 2: Tearing out the ceiling panels, adding insulation and a new humidity resist…

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Flashback : Lilac Season | Mr. Darcy Stopping to Smell the Flowers | Lilacs in Concord, Ma.Flashback : Lilac Season | Mr. Darcy Stopping to Smell the Flowers | Lilacs in Concord, Ma.

**This was a post I posted last Spring... enjoy the lilacs! Today, on our morning walk, Mr. Darcy and I decided to stop and smell the flowers.  He was attracted to the pansies and pussy willows at the Mainstreet Cafe, while I was drawn to the lilacs.  I've been meaning to photograph the lilacs for a…

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