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Pecan Cinnamon Rolls from Frozen Bread Dough | Brunch RecipePecan Cinnamon Rolls from Frozen Bread Dough | Brunch Recipe

Sorry for being away so long! Emma's been out on Christmas break, which limits my computer time.  Substantially.  I have been taking photos of our dinners and holiday to share in the next couple of weeks, though, so stay tuned.  As soon as we get back to our regular schedule, I'll be able to get the…

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Operation Pantry Remodel: Phase 2Operation Pantry Remodel: Phase 2

Hope you all enjoyed your holidays! It was my first year ever with just the two (three) of us. I missed my family but it was nice to be our own family too. Here's our one and only holiday photo (in case you missed it on instagram or facebook):Susie was a good girl and dressed up for the occasion.Now…

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A Peek Around our House the Night (okay, two nights...) Before ChristmasA Peek Around our House the Night (okay, two nights...) Before Christmas

Here is a peek around our house just before Christmas!  Last night Santa (a.k.a. Mike's parents!) made a stop at our house and left this antique sleigh complete with red and robins egg blue paint - isn't it perfect? I filled our urns with sprigs of cedar and piles of ornaments (non glass, but glass…

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Photos from Weeknight Holiday Dinner PartyPhotos from Weeknight Holiday Dinner Party

Last week we hosted three parties.  Wheew.   Three years ago, I would have said that I'd catered 3+ parties this week.  The holidays used to be sooo much different then - I spent every night cooking and everyday shopping for ingredients.  Then, the weekends were back-to-back parties.  Loading and un…

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