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Happy Halloween from Princess Emma | Cranberry Orange Scones | Jack-O-Lantern Quesadillas Happy Halloween from Princess Emma | Cranberry Orange Scones | Jack-O-Lantern Quesadillas

Happy Halloween from Princess Emma and her Puppy!  This is Emma at school this morning with her friend... and future prom date?  I have more princess photos below, but first I thought I'd share some photos of Emma and I making our favorite scones in our pajamas.  Emma's all decked out in her Jack-O-…

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House Hunting Adventures, Part 2House Hunting Adventures, Part 2

I'm back with some fresh new houses! (Get caught up on our first house hunting adventure here.)At this point we've been able to narrow down some parameters as we have a better handle on what's out there. As for location—we want to live below the snow line and Brad wants a short commute to work, so u…

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